Glenurquhart Road
21 October 2014
Please ask for: Miss J Maclennan
Telephone: (01463) 702132
Jenny Clarke | Catriona MacLean |
Jaci Douglas | Drew Millar |
Ken Gowans | Kenneth Nicol |
Douglas Graham | Fraser Parr |
Donald McLachlan | Ian Ross |
Dear Director
A meeting of the Board of HIGH LIFE HIGHLAND will take place in the BOARD ROOM, OLD LIBRARY, DINGWALL on TUESDAY 28 OCTOBER 2014 at 2.00 P.M.
Directors should note that the recently appointed Youth Convenor, Shaun Finlayson has been asked to attend this meeting to introduce himself and the current work of the post.
A note of the business to be transacted at the meeting is appended.
Yours faithfully
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
Directors are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Director making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.
3. High Life Highland Purpose, Key Business Objectives and Corporate Values P 1
There is circulated summary of High Life Highland’s purpose, key business objectives and corporate values as extracted from the High Life Highland Business Plan 2012-15.
4. Appointment of Chair
The Board is invited to appoint a Chair of the Company, who will preside at meetings of the Board.
Directors are reminded that:-
• nominees require to be proposed and seconded;
• a statement should be provided as to the reasons why an individual is being proposed for the post of Chair/Vice Chair; and
• individuals being nominated must indicate their willingness to accept the post.
Please also note that if the Chair is filled by a council director, Mr D Millar will have to stand down from the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Committee and be replaced by an independent Director as there is a requirement for one council Director and two independent Directors on that Committee.
5. Director Vacancies
There are two current vacancies for Directors for the main Company. Directors have previously been encouraged to propose possible candidates who would add to the skills mix of the Board and who may be interested in joining HLH. It is recommended that Directors discuss the current vacancies and agree to advertise for both, bearing in mind the recommendation at Item 16 (iii) that one of the two vacant Directors posts be advertised specifically seeking candidates who are able to represent young people’s views.
6. Confirmation of Minutes PP 2-11
The following Minutes are circulated for approval:-
i. Board Meeting held on 21 August 2014 (pp 2-8); and
and the following Minutes are circulated for noting:-
ii. Draft High Life Highland (Trading) C.I.C. Board Meeting held on 21 August 2014 (pp 9-11).
7. Matters Arising – Board Meeting of 21 August 2014 P 12
There is circulated, for information, matters arising from the meeting of the Board held on 21 August 2014.
The Board is invited to note the position.
8. Appointments
i. Finance and Audit Committee
The Board is invited to appoint a Director to the Finance and Audit Committee.
ii. Nominations Committee
The Board is invited to appoint an Independent Director to the Nominations Committee.
iii. National Nuclear Archive and Far North Archive Reference Group
The Board is invited to appoint a Director to the National Nuclear Archive and Far North Archive Reference Group.
iv. High Life Highland Representation on the Inverness Museum, Gallery and Library Working Group PP 13-15
There is circulated Report No. HLH 27/14 dated 9 October 2014 by the Chief Executive informing the Board that High Life Highland have been invited to send two non-Council Board representatives to the working group looking at a new museum, gallery and library for Inverness.
The Board is invited to:-
i. nominate two non-Council Directors to join the working group looking at a new museum, gallery and library for Inverness;
ii. agree that the internal Highland Cultural Centre Reference group is no longer required and is disbanded; and
iii. note, at this stage, the developing Inverness Castle investigations.
9. Board Work Plan and 2015 Meeting Dates 2015 PP 16-27
There is circulated Board Work Plan and 2015 meeting dates dated 7 October 2014 by the Chief Executive setting out the Board Work Plan for High Life Highland for 2015.
The Board is invited to:-
i. comment on and agree the Work Plan in Appendix A;
ii. agree meeting dates and timings for the main company including overnight meetings and facility/programme visits as detailed in paragraph 4.1 and summarised in Appendix B;
iii. note that the trading company will be considering meeting a minimum twice yearly to coincide with the six monthly joint dinner and tour of local facilities with the Main Board as detailed in paragraph 4.1 and summarised in Appendix B; and
iv. agree meeting dates for the Finance and Audit Committee as detailed in paragraph 4.2 and summarised in Appendix B.
10. Sponsorship, Advertising and Contra Deals Policy PP 28-30
The previous Sponsorship policy was worked up in conjunction with Trading Company Directors and approved by the HLH Board at the meeting on 6 December 2012. The Policy has been updated to now include advertising and contra deals. Directors are asked to comment on and approve the Sponsorship, Advertising and Contra Deals policy included in the papers.
11. Response to the National Strategy for Scottish Public Libraries Working Group PP 31- 40
There is circulated Report No. HLH 27/14 dated 10 October 2014 by the Chief Executive explaining that the Scottish Government has established a Working Group to develop Scotland’s first ever National Strategy for Scottish Public Libraries. The Working Group is consulting stakeholders including Local Authorities and The Highland Council has asked High Life Highland to draft its response.
The Board is invited to comment on and agree the draft response to the National Strategy for Scottish Public Libraries Working Group for submission to The Highland Council contained in Appendix A.
12. Changes to Community Learning and Development Legislation and Context PP 41-45
There is circulated Report No. HLH 30/14 dated 10 October 2014 by the Chief Executive inviting the Board to consider changes to legislation in Community Learning and Development (CLD) and to note the Highland Council and the Highland Community Planning Partnership’s response to it along with High Life Highland’s contribution.
The Board is invited to:-
i. note the introduction of the new CLD legislation;
ii. note the introduction of the new national strategies – the Adult Learning Statement of Intent and Youth Work Strategy;
iii. note that officers have been invited to be part of the new Highland CLD Strategic Partnership (the CLD Strategic partnership is a sub-group of the Highland Community Planning Partnership);
iv. note that High Life Highland will be asked to participate in planning, service delivery and evaluation for CLD services at a local level in the Highland’s nine District Partnerships;
v. note that High Life Highland will be asked to take a lead role in planning and service delivery for CLD in one of the nine district partnership areas;
vi. note that High Life Highland will be a key part of CLD inspections by Education Scotland (formerly HMIe) through its Adult Learning and Youth Work staff with other areas of HLH work contributing;
vii. note the developmental work that has already been progressed by Adult and Youth Services staff in preparation for multi-agency partnership working; and
viii. consider resultant amendments to the current staff structure at the 12 December 2014 HLH Board meeting.
The Board is asked to resolve that the following item be restricted to only those Directors and officers requiring to remain in attendance.
13. Budget Savings Proposals 2015-18
The Chief Executive will give a short presentation on the updated work of the Finance and Audit Committee on the preparation of the budget for 2015-19.
The Board is invited to note the update.
14. Finance Report PP 46-51
There is circulated Report No. HLH 31/14 dated 10 October 2014 by the Chief Executive providing Directors with an update on the financial performance of High Life Highland for the period ending 31 August 2014 and information on contracts awarded since the previous meeting of the Board.
The Board is invited to note:-
i. the current financial position of High Life Highland as detailed in Appendix A of the report;
ii. that the financial results for the 5 months to 31 August 2014 reports a positive variance on budget of £4,628;
iii. the projected final out-turn for the year remains on target to the approved budget; and
iv. the award of contracts to Cobbs Catering
15. Human Resources Report PP 52-56
There is circulated Report No. HLH 32/14 dated 10 October 2014 by the Chief Executive providing an update on Human Resources activity for July to September 2014 including a quarterly report on absence, disciplinary and grievance issues. It also includes an indication of action taken following reviews of Human Resources policies.
The Board is invited to:-
i. note the content of the quarterly report including the update on the staffing establishment; and
ii. approve the policy of Payment of professional Fees.
16. Quarterly Performance Report PP 57-64
There is circulated Report No. HLH 33/14 dated 10 October 2014 by the Chief Executive presenting performance information for the period July to September 2014.
The Board is invited to:-
i. comment on the report and agree that the overall health check on the company for the period is assessed as green; and
ii. note the performance of the company against its business plan objectives.
17. Chief Executive Verbal Updates
i) Adoption of the management of the Highland Football Academy – Directors Donald Mclachlan and Douglas Graham have previously been involved in and updated on discussions with the HFAT Board. Following further discussions between the two organisations, it has been agreed that HLH assume the management of the Football Academy for a one year pilot from 24 October with a view to a long term arrangement after that. Given the arrangement will initially be for a one year trial period, secondment of the 5 part time staff to HLH has been advanced, rather than a full TUPE transfer arrangement. It is recommended that Directors note the commencement of the one year pilot, with an update being planned for a future meeting, in time to agree either to a longer term relationship or to cease the arrangement at the conclusion of the pilot.
ii) Staff representation on the Board – on 2 October 2013 Directors agreed that direct staff representation on the Board would not be progressed, but that this would be reviewed in 12 months. In this regard, current structures to enable staff to feed into the work of the company include regular team meetings, which happen in all sections of the company, the twice yearly appraisal system, a range of cross service working groups (for example the current cost curtailment group) a quarterly meeting with trades union at the joint consultative group and a bi-annual staff survey. This, together with the need over the next few years for the Board to be regularly involved in discussions about reshaping services, staffing and management, lead to a recommendation that no further action be taken in this regard.
iii) Board engagement with young people – on 2 October 2013 the Board also agreed that there should not be an additional place created on the Board for a young person’s representative. However, Directors were keen to find ways to better engage directly with young people’s views. In this regard, attendance of officers and some Directors at the December Highland Youth Voice Conference has already been agreed. In addition, Directors Douglas Graham and Jenny Clark met with the executive of the Highland Youth Voice at the beginning of October. Those Directors will update the Board on the results of that meeting. It is recommended that the Board’s previous position be maintained, but that one of the two vacant Director’s posts be advertised specifically seeking candidates who are able to represent young people’s views.