Glenurquhart Road

7 December 2016

Please ask for: Miss Jane Maclennan
Telephone: (01463) 702121

To: Directors of the Board of High Life Highland

Jaci Douglas Kenneth Nicol
Ken Gowans Fraser Parr
Douglas Graham Ian Ross
Michael Green Donald Somerville
Donald McLachlan Mark Tate
Ella MacRae Jenny Welch


Dear Director

A meeting of the Board of HIGH LIFE HIGHLAND will take place in the BOARD ROOM, OLD LIBRARY, DINGWALL on WEDNESDAY 14 DECEMBER 2016 at 2.00 pm.

Yours faithfully



1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

Directors are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Director making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. High Life Highland Purpose, Key Business Objectives and Corporate Values 2015-19 P 1

There is circulated summary of High Life Highland’s purpose, key business objectives and corporate values as extracted from the High Life Highland Business Plan 2015-19.

4. Confirmation of Minutes PP 2-16

The following Minutes are circulated for approval:-

i. Board Meeting held on 23 August 2016 (pp 2-9);
ii. Finance and Audit Committee held on 14 November 2016 (pp 10-12);

and for noting:-

iii. High Life Highland (Trading) (draft) held on 23 August 2016 (pp 13-16).

5. Matters Arising – Board Meeting of 23 August 2016 PP 17-19

There is circulated, for information matters arising from the meeting of the Board held on 23 August 2016.

The Board is invited to note the position.

6. Staff Recognition Scheme PP 20-43

There is circulated Report No. HLH26/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive presenting Directors with the best submissions from staff teams on the successful work being carried out by High Life Highland throughout the Highlands and across all areas of work.

The Board is invited to comment on the items presented and note that the selected items will form part of the long list for the annual Staff and Volunteer Award Scheme for 2016/17.


7. Adviser/Friends of High Life Highland PP 44-45

There is circulated, for information, the Volunteer Adviser Role Profile, it having been delegated to the Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Chairs and Vice Chairs of both Boards to finalise.

The Board is invited to note the Role Profile.

8. Board Work Plan and 2017 Meeting Dates PP 46-58

There is circulated Report No. HLH27/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive setting out the Board Work Plan for High Life Highland for 2017.

The Board is invited to:-

i. comment on and agree the Work Plan in Appendix A of the report;
ii. agree meeting dates and timings for the main company as detailed in paragraph 4.1 and summarised in Appendix B of the report;
iii. note that the Trading Company will be meeting a minimum twice yearly as detailed in paragraph 4.1 and summarised in Appendix B of the report;
iv. agree meeting dates for the Finance and Audit Committee as detailed in paragraph 4.2 and summarised in Appendix B of the report; and
v. note the position relating to Directors’ facility visits.


9. Highland Council Redesign Process

Carron MacDiarmid, Highland Council’s Head of Policy and Reform, will give a presentation on the Highland Council’s Redesign process.

The Board is invited to note the position.

10. Ancestral Tourism Project Update PP 59-62

There is circulated Report No. HLH28/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive updating Directors on the proposed next steps of the ‘International High Life’ ancestral tourism product/service.

The Board is invited to:-

i. note the position adopted at the Trading Board meeting on 23 August 2016;
ii. note the amended position of the Trading Board since the meeting;
iii. agree the principles around the development of the ‘International High Life’ ancestral tourism product/service, utilising the next 12 months as direct market testing; and
iv. agree to release up to £35K from the charity reserves towards the salary/backfill costs of a dedicated member of staff specifically on the development of ‘International High Life’ product/services for an initial period of one year.

11. Business Growth Priorities – Project Updates PP 63-68

There is circulated Report No. HLH29/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive providing an update in relation to three projects that have reached or are rapidly reaching a point where they require consideration by the Board. Views from members of the Finance and Audit Committee will assist in the Board preparation.

In commenting on the three updates and conclusions provided, the Board is invited:-

i. to note the update of the Council’s decision relating to Catering, Cleaning and Facilities Management/Janitorial Services;
ii. to agree the principle, subject to a business case being presented to the March Board, that, following completion of the capital works at Poolewe Swimming Pool, HLH assumes responsibility for the management and routine revenue costs of the facility with Poolewe and District Swimming Pool Association retaining responsibility for the “big ticket” items such as the plant and building structure; and
iii. to note that, subject to a satisfactory lease agreement with Scottish Historic Buildings Trust and maintenance arrangements being handled by the Council, HLH become responsible for the management and routine revenue costs of Strathpeffer Pavilion.


12. Finance Report PP 69-76

There is circulated Report No. HLH30/16 dated 1 December 2016 by the Chief Executive providing an update on the financial performance of High Life Highland for the period ending 31 October 2016.

The Board is invited to note:-

i. the current financial position of High Life Highland as detailed in Appendix A of the report;
ii. the financial results for the 7 months to October 2016 report a surplus of £18,273;
iii. the projected final out-turn for the year is a surplus to budget of c£25k;
iv. the award of contracts to The Design Concept (x2), Fitness Training Scotland, Achins Bookshop, Bibliotheca, DUFI Art (x2), Less than Nothing Production, Fuzzy Duck and DP Digital Media;
v. the update on VAT;
vi. the update on the Highland Folk Museum Phase 3 project;

and approve:-

vii. the Financial Statements for the year end 31 March 2016 which are re-presented.

13. Performance Report PP 77-108

There is circulated Report No. HLH31/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive presenting performance information for the period July to September 2016.

The Board is invited to:-

i. comment on the report and agree that the overall health check on the company for the period is assessed as green;
ii. note that the delivery of the business plan is assessed as green; and
iii. note the positive contribution made by HLH to the Council’s annual survey of performance and attitudes.

14. Human Resources Report PP 109-116

There is circulated Report No. HLH32/16 dated 28 November 2016 by the Chief Executive updating Directors on Human Resources activity for July to September 2016 including a quarterly report on absence, disciplinary and grievance issues.

The Board is invited to:-

i. note the content of the quarterly report including the update on the staffing establishment; and
ii. comment on and approve the revised Harassment Policy and the minor amendments to the Policy on the Secure Handling, Use, Storage and Retention of Disclosure Information.

15. Marketing and Communications Update PP 117-127

There is circulated Report No. HLH33/16 dated 2 December 2016 by the Chief Executive providing an update on progress made in implementing the 2015-19 Marketing and Communications Plan.

The Board is invited to comment on and note the update.

16. Chair/Chief Executive’s Updates PP 128-131

There is circulated Report No. HLH34/16 dated 2 December 2016 by the Chief Executive providing Directors with general information on issues affecting the work of High Life Highland, including Director involvement in representing the company.

The Board is invited to comment on and note the updates.