Glenurquhart Road
Inverness, IV3 5NX
21 October 2024
To: Directors of the Board of High Life Highland
Biz Campbell David Finlayson
Nick Finnigan Michael Golding
Roddy Henry Marianne Hutchison
Andrew Jarvie Tracy Ligema
Drew Millar Ken Nicol
Kerry Ross Mark Tate
Dear Director
A Special Meeting of the Board of High Life Highland will take place remotely, via Microsoft Teams, on Friday 25 October 2024 at 9.00 am.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Fraser Company Secretary
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
Directors are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Director making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.
The Board is asked to resolve that the following item be restricted to Directors and representatives from HLH and the Company Secretary’s office.
3. Service Delivery Contract Review PP 1-15
There is circulated Report No HLH/25/24 by the Chief Executive providing an update on the Service Delivery Contract Review. The Highland Council is scheduled to consider the draft report in Appendix A at its Education Committee meeting on 21 November 2024. The report is presented to allow HLH Board consideration and feedback to the Council.
The Board is invited to agree the recommendations.